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abrdn Liquidity Fund (Lux) – Euro Fund




Fund overview

  • Share class

    J-3 Income EUR
  • Objective

    The Funds objective is to preserve capital and provide liquidity whilst aiming to provide a return in line with prevailing short term money market rates for which ESTR has been chosen as a performance comparator.

Available T+0 in tokenised or traditional form

Invest with fiat or stablecoins

Investment summary


Minimum investment

Annual fees


abrdn management fee


Archax access fee

Order cut-off times


11:00 UK


11:00 UK

Operating hours: 09:00 - 17:30 UK business days

*The indicated fee rate is the maximum that abrdn can charge, they reserve the right to vary the fee.



C02 emission avoidance has value. Kora - gives that value back to everyone by converting every 100 grams of CO2 avoided = 1 Kora Token (Not Crypto).

Kora measures your footprint with the Kora app. The less CO2 you emit, the more Koras you earn. If you take the subway instead of your car, or turn down the heating, you make Koras.

In the Kora Rewards Hub you can use your Koras to buy environmentally-friendly products and services from selected companies for a lower price. Or gain access to experiences with your favourite celebrity.

And, as Kora is hosted on the Tezos blockchain for authenticated climate impact, every carbon-reducing action you take is digitally documented, ensuring authenticity and credibility of your climate actions.

Kora is the new economy to empower everyone to make an impact. For themselves and the planet.

Are you ready to KORA?

  • kora-featured1-1

    C02 Tracking

    KORA measures motion & energy use to calculate individual c02 emission reductions.

  • kora-featured2

    Kora Climate Token

    100g of CO2 avoided=1 KORA earned. Hosted on Tezos blockchain for authenticated climate impact.

  • kora-featured3-1

    Rewards Hub

    Rewards for your climate actions are redeemed in our sustainable marketplace & experiences hub.

Investment documents